Thursday, January 15, 2009

Business Builder Bob - Viewpoint

This is the 19th posting by Business Builder Bob. We have covered Change Management, Reliable Processes and Recognition. In each case, opportunities to grow and improve your business and your professional toolbox have been presented. Lots more on the way.

If we are genuinely interested in implementing best practices what are characteristics of change that we should be aware of? One is viewpoint. When approaching a new idea, a new process, a new concept with the purpose of implementing, consider your own point of view. You can't control others point of view, but you can resolve to control your own. Here are two possible views.

VIEW FROM FEAR and you may experience limits, losing, confusion, scarcity, defensiveness, victimness, loss of self-confidence.

VIEW FROM EXCITEMENT and you will likely experience opportunity, winning, clarity, abundance, openness/acceptance, ownership, gain of self-confidence.

Consider this food for thought...

Business Builder Bob
Bob Tetu

Startup and Turnaround Specialist


  1. Hi Bob .. your two "views" are excellent pointers .. we have to step out of our comfort zone to progress through life .. & we grow as we learn - good post - thanks Hilary

  2. Hi Bob .. I totally agree .. remove the fear & you'll bring light & hope into your life. Change is a huge opportunity & we do it all our lives - we have to .. we always start at the bottom & move on .. we learn & we grow .. good post - thanks


Thanks for your comments. All related ideas are welcome.