Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Business Builder Bob - Recognition #3

For the third and fourth elements of recognition it is time to get personal...

The third element is to add your personal appreciation. Why were the results personally significant to you? Why does the behavior deserve your personal attention?

You may be a parent, a supervisor, a leader in your business. Publicly acknowledging your personal appreciation and the reason why this is important to you is the second powerful element of that is often omitted. Including this in your recognition is further reinforcement of the results and behaviors that are important to you personally.

The fourth element is a simple wrapup that an includes an offer of your own personal continued support and a final summary statement of recognition. So, not only are we providing recognition, we are also offering to personally support continued efforts to achieve the results and behaviors we want.

Try to put the four steps in your head. There are times when recognition can be planned ahead, but there are also times when it is more appropriate to provide it on the spot, spontaneously. In these cases, the four elements are still going to make your recognition more meaningful, so you'll have to remember the four parts.

Business Builder Bob
Bob Tetu

Startup and Turnaround Specialist


  1. Hi Bob .. how absolutely correct .. spontaneous positive recognition is a good place to start .. as we can build on that acknowledgement later on .. bringing good relationships through to our work & private life. Have a happy day - Hilary

  2. Hi Bob
    It was a pleasure reading your insights. We can all use this kind of positive reinforcement to have a better quality of life.
    Thanks, Barbershop Jerry


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