Thursday, January 29, 2009

Business Builder Bob - Constructive Feedback #4

Time for a good wrap up for this constructive feedback session. If you have followed the steps in the first three posts, you have agreed on some changes that can be made to improve performance.

Summarize exactly what the change is and how it will be done. It may be a good idea to write it down so you can refer back to it later.

Also, remind the recipient what the performance objectives are. How are they measured? What will be some good signs of success in terms of improving performance.

State your continued support. Your door is open if they can use assistance. Thank them for their committment to improving performance and willingness to have an open discussion.

That is the natural ending point for the constructive feedback session, but it is not the end of the work. Remember the 80/20 rule for positive reinforcement. Watch for opportunities to make positive remarks on progress -- can you see changes in behavior, can you see changes in performance, is the person embracing the change and making an effort, etc. Any of these signs deserve positive reinforcement.

Keep the feedback flowing to help keep the person motivated. Change is a little scary and can be hard...even a change for the better.

Business Builder Bob
Bob Tetu


  1. Hi Bob .. you've got some really sensible comments .. and I'm sure a great many managers, supervisors etc could learn a lot from these posts.

    As you say change is scary .. but we change all the time .. as we grow up, as move school, go to college .. it seems so odd to have become frightened of change .. getting married, having kids .. - but you know all about change with all the businesses you've been in & 'sorted out' .. your passion shows through - thanks

  2. Hi Bob .. good summary .. the other thing perhaps is the improvement others will feel or the company will benefit from .. by these small changes they've made & improved in their own performance

  3. Hi Bob .. your feedback posts are good .. & I'd add that all positive change will benefit everyone - themselves, their peers, the process and the company ..

  4. Hi Bob

    Great tips. Feedback that is done in a positive way are always more likely to be motivating.

    Thank you,
    Giovanna Garcia
    Imperfect Action is better than No Acton

  5. Hi Bob,
    I have always believed that changing your course by 1 degree will change the outcome of your life by thousands of ___________ . (whatever you want to fill in the blank) Positive Mental Attitude is definitely where we all need to be. Thanks for your ideas.
    Jerry Braack aka Barbershop Jerry


Thanks for your comments. All related ideas are welcome.