Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Business Builder Bob - Constructive Feedback #3

Your observation and personal reaction have been stated, received and understood. It's time for that good two way discussion I mentioned at the end of the last posting.

State that you want to get some ideas out before you agree on what changes to make and then offer some suggestions on how to improve the behavior or performance. Again, keep it brief and don't lecture. Give the recipient some time to digest the suggestions. Remember, you knew about this ahead of time and they didn't. Some people will push back or get defensive if you push your ideas too hard, too fast.

Ask if the recipient has any different ideas or can they modify any of your ideas to make them better. Be mindful to keep the conversation on subject. Avoid bringing other issues into it and keep the recipient on track as well. Stay focused on correcting one behavior related to your observation.

It is time to agree on a course of action. What will the recipient do differently to improve performance? It is not critical that they do it exactly your way. The more ownership the recipient has in the solution, the more they are likely to succeed. At this point, the important thing is that the recipient is committed to trying to improve and has a plan on how to do it.

If it doesn't work out, you can always start the process over again. Remember, with corrective feedback you are seeking improved performance in a person who already has acceptable performance.

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