Monday, November 10, 2008

Business Builder Bob - Keeping Manufacturing Jobs in the USA

This is an introductory post. I am Bob Tetu, aka Business Builder Bob and I am passionate about keeping manufacturing jobs and manufacturing companies in the United States.

I want to start off on a somewhat positive note. Did you know that the United States has 4.5% of the world's population, but is responsible for 20.5% of the world's production output. The United States is the number one producer in the world. China is a distant second with 13% of the world's production output. The U.S. produces more than Japan and Germany combined.

Further, if you think about this on a per capita basis, the numbers are even more impressive. These figures are from 2006 which is the last year that data is available for at this time.

So, yes we have lost jobs overseas and yes China is gaining (slowly), but my message is: we can keep our position by working together and continuing to improve our manufacturing efficiency and business processes.

Business Builder Bob would like to use this blog to reach out to workers, owners, managers - anyone involved in manufacturing companies. Suggestions and comments on how to grow our efficiency, improve business processes and maintain competitive position in the global markets are all of interest.

Business Builder Bob
Bob Tetu

Startup and Turnaround Specialist