This is a simple concept, but important to recognize. When you are trying to grow as an individual, a parent or a business, you are making changes. Initally change is hard. The new procedure or behavior may feel uncomfortable, strange, even scary.
However, as you learn it, it becomes easier. Remember it generally takes six to ten weeks for something new to become routine. Throughout the transition, the change will feel more natural and not so hard. People will feel better and better about the change and the results.
This is referred to simply as the growth curve. In the beginning, things feel worse and as time goes on, things feel better and better. If you are prepared for this, it will help get you over the hump in the beginning.
What is the opposite curve? Feels better in the beginning and feels worse and worse as times goes on. It is the addiction curve. If you think about it, addiction doesn't only have to mean drugs. It can be an addiction to an old way of doing things that isn't working and feels worse and worse over time, but is very hard to break away from.
If you read the earlier posts on Managing Change, it may help you to break away from addictive behaviors.
Hi Bob .. Great post on the growth curve .. we encounter change throughout our lives .. and adjust and accommodate that change & as you say things get better - we understand more .. much better than staying still