Thursday, December 11, 2008

Business Builder Bob - Managing Change #1

Times are hard and we are all making adjustments. How we present and implement change has almost everything to do with how successful the change will be. One of our goals is to engage people in the change. So, how do we get started?

Begin by explaining to the people who are impacted why the change is needed.

What are some of the specific things that need to change? What may be required to make the change? Set up a formal or informal gathering and provide this information.

It is nearly impossible to make a change if people don't believe it is needed. The need for change has to be the first building block.

If you think about it, President Elect Obama and John McCain both ran on a platform of change. Both men spent a good deal of time describing the need the for change and some of the specifics about what they want to change.

Change Management is something we deal with in our family life, community life, business life, religious life, and personal life. In every case where a change has to be made, there must be a clear, simple explanation of exactly why it is needed.

Business Builder Bob
Bob Tetu

Startup and Turnaround Specialist

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