Friday, February 6, 2009

Business Builder Bob - Corrective Action #1

Taking corrective action is meant to address unacceptable performance or behavior. Although you will want to give it a little thought before you start the session, it is very important to take the corrective action as soon after the unacceptable behavior as possible.

In fact, when you see unacceptable behavior occuring, it is imperative to address it immediately...a safety violation such as not wearing protective goggles, someone has pornography on their computer, smoking in a non-smoking area. You absolutely can not walk by without addressing it. Your credibility as a leader and superviosr will take a big hit if you let it pass.

Here's a great tip. Stop the unacceptable behavior and tell them you will meet later to discuss it. That maintains your credibility and gives you time to prepare for the corrective action session.

One other point about your immediate reaction to stop the behavior. Do not publicly embarrass the individual. That will only make them defensive and/or defiant and you may lose control of the situation. Take them aside, speak quietly, or ask others to move on. Then you can address the inividial and stop the behavior without adding embarrassment into the equation.

Don't miss the next few blogs. You may have a lot of training and investment in the individual you are taking corrective action with. Let's use a best practice to get them back on track.

Bob Tetu
Business Builder Bob

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bob . I like the fact that you're advocating not publicly embarrassing the individual and maybe having a quiet few words first - before bringing best practice into play.

    I look forward to your 2nd part - Hilary


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