Monday, February 23, 2009

Business Builder Bob - Blogging for Business #3


This is a huge subject and could take up many blog posts by itself. For now, let's take an initial stab based on some simple criteria.

First, blogging is an individual activity. Even if you are blogging to attract new customers to your business, you are building personal credibility. The individual writing the blog may be an employee or the business owner, but they represent the company and will become personally credible on your company, products, etc. Don't try to make your blog from "the company". It must be from a person.

If you wish to promote your company, "The Widget Company", you can blog under a pseudonym (brand) "The Widget Master". You can also chose to use your own name as the brand. Try to brainstorm some brands that would work with some of the subjects you choose after the last post. Bounce some ideas off people. Look at what other bloggers are doing.

If you are a job seeker, you probably want to promote your own name, but you can also use a brand that identifies the subject you are passionate about. I am passionte about helping manufactuers keep jobs in the build an arsenal of best practices...thus, Business Builder Bob is my Brand. I identify my brand and my name in most postings.

If you are not ready to use a brand or nothing comes to mind, use your name as a starting point. You can add a brand later.

This is a very abbreviated view of branding considerations. If you want more help, feel free to contact me.

Bob Tetu
Business Builder Bob


  1. Hi Bob .. great idea using yourself as an example .. your brand & your name ..

    Thanks - it's so good .. Hilary: Be Positive Be Happy

  2. Hi Bob .. you've got a really simple way of expressing branding .. & how you can go about it .. I often think of yours as a simple way of describing the titling and content when you're starting a blog.

    Thanks - Hilary: Be Positive Be Happy


Thanks for your comments. All related ideas are welcome.