Thursday, February 19, 2009

Business Builder Bob - Blogging for Business #2

Picking the subject of your blog:

The objective of your blog is to reach out to like-minded people and to get a following of readers that will get noticed by search engines. Your credibility is built by the quality of your blog posts and by your ranking on search engines such as Google. A high ranking implies you are an expert in your field, well known, and an internet professional.

I started this blog and some other social marketing methods in January and I have most of the first page in Google under my name, Bob Tetu; and I have a good position on the second page of Google under by brand, Business Builder Bob, which is up against very stiff competiton.

You need to be capable of writing a blog post almost every day. So, you need to pick a subject that you know a lot about and you are interested in. There are generally two paths you can follow to pick a subject for your blog and neither of them is a sales pitch.

Option 1 is to write about your companies products, how they solve problems, features, technical information, case studies. With this type of blog you are targeting like-minded people in a specific industry. Be careful not to use a customers name or brand without their permission. And, be certain that this is anecdotal and informative...Stay away from selling in your blog.

Option 2 is to write about your passion - a sports team, a hobby, a past-time or a cause about which you are very enthusiastic and knowledgable. A small manufacturing business owner can choose this option and still build credibility and attract new customers by connecting to customers in the industry that have similar interests.

I chose option 2. I am passionate about finding best practices and keeping jobs in the U.S.A.

There are some other considerations before finally choosing your subject. For now, brainstorm one or two subjects for option 1 and option 2.

Bob Tetu
Business Builder Bob


  1. Hi Bob .. as you say talk about your passion & you certainly fulfill that requirement .. we can all learn a lot from your best practices .. and from keeping our jobs.

  2. Bob, thank you for the great post about choosing a blog to write about and how to do that. It is something that will help a lot of people.
    Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"

    PS. you have been tagged. To know more visit our other blog at:


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