Thursday, March 12, 2009

Business Builder Bob - Just-in-Time #6

The Value-Add Viewpoint:

Do Only those things that add value to products and judged by the customer!

The value-add viewpoint helps us pinpoint operations that add value and more importantly, those that do not. It is a great way to identify improvement opportunities.

The value-add viewpoint can be applied by small groups, whole departments, or between different functional areas.

The value-add viewpoint is based on the concept that we only do those things that add value and we vigilantly identify and eliminate the ten wastes to provide a "new set of glasses" for judging our business practices and processes.

A good way to start walking the talk is to take a tour of your operation with this "new set of glasses". Make a list of all wastes and any include any nonvalue-added operations that you observe. This is your new improvement list!

Bob Tetu
Business Builder Bob

1 comment:

  1. Yes Bob .. & we can apply your taking a tour of our small business, or home business, through your "new set of glasses": good idea ..

    Thanks for post - Hilary:Be Positive Be Happy


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